Lately the song, Called Me Higher by All Sons and Daughters has been a frequent play on my Spotify, voicing something that has been resting on my heart. The song was introduced to me by one of my closest friends, Allison. The lyrics are incredibly beautiful and have inspired this probably not-so-inspiring post :)
I always have the option to do just what I need to do to "get by" in my faith life. Not only do I just have that option, I often elect to do this rather than to recklessly abandon all that I am for the sake of the Lord. But when I choose to do such things, I am not achieving the full potential of my God-given gifts. I also find myself making the many mistakes that lie in comparison. God has called us all to something different. His plans for me are unlike the plans for anyone else (which is so incredibly beautiful!!), therefore I cannot compare my faith journey to other's. God has granted me with gifts that I need to do His will as perfectly as I can. It is my job to cultivate these gifts on the path God has laid specifically for me, Allison Claire. I should not sell these gifts short because I am just doing enough to get by.
"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it." Matthew 8:13-14Although I trick myself into thinking that it may seem easier to take the wide, easy road...ultimately that road does not lead to heaven. As humans, we were made for a challenge. We were not designed for a half-assed, mediocre attempts at anything, especially the relationship with our Creator. It seems counter-intuitive that I should be so tempted by mediocrity, but I am (often and frequently, I might add!). I need to remember that God has given me the gifts that I have for a reason. If I am not using them and making the most of them, I am doing something wrong. I pray God may grant me the strength to follow His will, for humility when I fall short, and for perseverance to keep striving. So my goal for the week, the month, the always...
Recklessly abandon mediocrity for the sake of entering the narrow gate because God has called me higher.
I know, sounds like a piece of cake ;)
Love, AL