Friday, December 6, 2013

Bloom Where You Are Planted

"Bloom Where You Are Planted"....something I pinned on Pinterest awhile back.  I was drawn to this quote for some reason, although at the time I was not entirely sure what it was that attracted me to it, except for maybe the beautiful flowers in the background.  It was not until after a good long run, a meeting with my CLC (Christian Life Community), and a long pillow talk with my roommate that this quote manifested itself in a much more meaningful and tangible way.  I came to the realization that I need to bloom where I am being planted right now.

I sometimes find myself frustrated with a seemingly never-ending cycle of class, studying, and tests, and then MORE class, studying, and tests.  I tend to lose sight of the big picture a midst the mundane, day-to-day activities. Unfortunately, as a result my relationship with God often is pushed to the back burner while I am rushing to cross the next thing off of my to do list. Too often I need to step back and remind myself: what I am doing, why I am here, and the fact that I am so incredibly fortunate to be attending college at all.  It occurred to me (after some much-needed guidance from a good ole podcast by Fr. Mike Schmitz) that I am running in this race called life to win, not to receive a participant's medal.  This calling means that every day I need to be trying my very hardest to get to heaven, to be a saint, and to strive for the ultimate prize at the end of the race.  I cannot take any day for granted because that would be like I am walking a mile when I could be running.  I came to the realization that I can't rely on the years ahead of me to work on becoming a saint, because I would be letting so much pass me by in the process. Running towards God is what I am made for and not taking advantage of every day is a waste.  As Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas so wisely pointed out, the highest good is performing our characteristic function well.  The characteristic function for human beings is using our reason to seek God with our whole being.  

For me, running to win the race does not necessarily mean changing the world tomorrow.  God has planted me, Alli, in the place where I am at for a specific reason.  Not automatically knowing exactly what that reason is the beauty in it all!  So for now...God is encouraging me to bloom where He has planted me.  To cultivate good friendships, to learn all that I possibly can in my classes in order to be the best nurse that I can be, to always be seeking Him where ever I am.  I  need to patiently enjoy this incredible journey with God as my guide. God is watering me right here, now I just need to let myself 
bloom where I am planted.   


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