Saturday, July 26, 2014

Pilgrimage to Beauty

I recently returned from an amazing family vacation to Sedona, Arizona.  Along the way we stopped at the Petrified Forest, Painted Desert, and Grand Canyon.  Let me tell's one grand canyon :)  While at the house my family rented we were surrounded by the breathtaking red rock mountains.

The southwestern drive was accompanied by none other than a few podcasts (my family could barely contain their excitement while tuning in...oh wait...that was me :P)  One of the podcasts, A Pilgrimage to Beauty (Catholic Stuff You Should Know), was especially pertinent for us.  Amongst lighthearted jokes, the topic was finding God and truth in the world, people, things that are around us starting with things of beauty. We are pilgrims searching for beauty.

The scenery and landscape were awesome on a purely visual level, but to stop there would be a disservice to the Infinite Creator.  The beauty of the world leads us to the truth, the truth that there is a God bigger than us that is constantly living and working through us.  In reality, this is the pilgrimage I am always on no matter the backdrop, where it be red rock canyons or the flat plains of the Midwest.

Another thing that was shown to me on this Pilgrimage to Beauty was the importance of water, in particular Christ as Living Water.  Living in the Midwest, I take for granted the crucial role of water, as in H2O, but spending a week in the desert really helps reality to manifest itself.  While reflecting upon this idea throughout the week, the idea of Jesus Christ as Living Water surfaced in a real way for me.

The Grand Canyon, too magnificent to be sufficiently described in words, was carved out by running water.
After a long day hiking on the trail, I needed lots of water to function.
Any growth and vegetation is dependent upon water.
What is needed for bathing? Oh yeah...water.

I recognize that these are incredibly obvious assertions, but it is very often that I neglect to acknowledge the crucial significance water has upon my daily life. Also, I all too often make the even graver mistake when I take for granted the importance of Living Water in my daily life. Jesus Christ as Living Water, cleanses, refreshes, and hydrates my soul every single hour of every day in the form of grace.  Originally this was started at my Baptism, but is renewed every time I go to church and cross myself with the holy water, a tangible reminder of the power Christ beholds. He has the strength to carve out my life into something more amazing than my wildest imaginations could dream of. I just need to have a little faith, let the floodgates open, and the Lord will do His water flowing thing.  Then maybe, God has His canvas ready to shape the grandest of canyon.  Talk about letting God guide that pilgrimage to beauty.

Here's to pilgrimaging to our most Beautiful Creator and enjoying the splashes.

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